Successful Graduate Amanda Wylie

Amanda Wylie
My name is Amanda Wylie, I’m 35, I have been with my partner for 19 years and we have 3 gorgeous children.

This is my journey into the nail world, with the help of Essential Nails.
I have always had a passion for art; I did GCSE Art at school and went on to study A Level Art at college.

My passion was put on hold while I had my family.

Then, 5 years ago whilst sitting in a nail salon I was browsing through a magazine and came across nail art. I instantly fell in love and knew that was what I wanted to do. So, after a lot of research I came across Essential Nails who offer courses to suit my life style. Having 3 children and lots of pets, I didn’t have time to attend a college course.

My first course with Essential Nails was Acrylic Overlay. The support I received was amazing and I passed with a credit, so I could get insurance and start work. I then completed the Nail Art Course, Acrylic Nail Art and Freehand Nail Art, all which I passed with 100%.

My passion was back!

I started working from home and built up a lovely clientele, who allowed me to use their nails to create art I had designed. I then went on to entering and winning nail art competitions but noticed there were nail techs that could create amazing work but didn’t have the confidence. So, I started my own nail art competition page, Vivid Nails. I designed the competitions to suit every level and had some amazing entries and feed back from girls who had never had the courage to enter comps.

Then in June I was given an amazing opportunity to run my own workshop in a beauty academy. I would be teaching nail techs who would be in training or already qualified. So in October I had my first workshop teaching what I love best, acrylic nail art using glitter and coloured acrylics. It was an amazing day and the girls went away with new skills and the same passion as me.

I have two more workshops in February and two in April; I can’t wait! This is where I want to be full time so I am now working towards becoming an educator as soon as my youngest is at secondary school.

Without the help from the Essential Nails team and the lovely ladies on their Facebook page I don’t think I would be on the path I am now. So a massive thank you to all those who have helped me along the way.

Amanda xx

Amanda Wylie
Amanda Wylie
Amanda Wylie
Amanda Wylie