Successful Graduate – Kay Gillespie

Kay Gillespie
My name is Kay Gillespie, “find something you like doing and get someone to pay you for it” was the advice from my hubby after being made redundant from an office manager position of 9 years.

So, I pondered on this advice and decided that I quite liked playing with nails, I already had a stash of polish, some Konad stamping plates and some bling. I looked at college courses but decided I didn’t want to do a further 3 years studying, having already spent 2 years at College and 3 at University. During a Google moment, I saw various companies offering distance learning and the decision was made.

After chatting with a few people I ordered (with hubby’s permission) the Gel extension and Maintenance courses. To be honest, I really wish I hadn’t as I struggled with everything, it took 3 weeks to stick a tip on correctly and as for the blending – let’s just say my nail trainer has had many names – none of which I can mention here! But now I’m so pleased I did stick with it as two years on and I have completed all the courses available from Essential Nails (except pedicure, I just can’t bring myself to be scraping at other peoples feet, it’s just wrong!). Oh, and I’m waiting to hear if I have passed the airbrushing course which also made the language as colourful as my trusty nail trainer!

They say ‘you can’t teach an old dog new tricks’, well I’m 49 and I have learnt a few over the past couple of years. I have discovered that I can draw so much more than ‘stick men’ and I have a creative side that I never knew was there, although occasionally I misplace it!!

Entering competitions is a fun way to learn, some of the themes may be a tad weird, but they make you stretch the imagination and produce things that you would never have thought possible. Of course, if you win or are placed it’s a bonus and a huge boost to your confidence (and sometimes to your bank account). My jaw hit the floor Friday when I received a phone call from Essential Nails, I thought it was about the Airbrush course; well I got that completely wrong. I only went and won the monthly Gelaze Pro Master competition!! Yay… Woohoo… Go me… and a few other unmentionable words.

A massive thanks to the Essential Nails Team for putting it all together. For my hubby for putting up with the strange smells that emanate from the Nail Studio (spare bedroom), for crafting some amazing polish shelves and brush holders. Also my daughter for allowing me to practice my designs on her nails, even if I do have to tie her to the chair sometimes.

I’ve had a great couple of years. All I need now is a few more clients so I can pay myself some wages and purchase more nail stuff, because we all know, there is no such thing as ‘too much’.

Cheryl Kneebone
Kay Gillespie
Kay Gillespie
Kay Gillespie
Kay Gillespie
Kay Gillespie