Progress Cards (Eng)

Progress Cards (Eng)
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Progress cards are used as a convenient way to save the nails you create as you work through our Diploma Nail Courses. However, they can be used in any training syllabus that uses the Nail Trainer hand for practice and requires Nails to be assessed by a tutor. Simply click your finished or part finished nails into the cards.
progress checker

Anetta Hall , Derby

a great way to keep track of my progress - using both acrylics and gel technique. The cards also provide a space to write the date and how long it took to do each set. I studies with a different provider but bought the practice hand from (nail trainer/essentialnails)

© 2019 Essential Nail Products Ltd – Manor Road, Haverhill, Suffolk CB9 0EP, England
Gelaze® is a registered trademark of Essential Nail Products Ltd
The Nail Trainer® is protected by the following patents: UK Pat. 2304965, EU Pat. 0950236,
US Pat. 6,488,506B2 other international patents pending